Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Ox Had Its Year

2008 was real ruff. Hardest year of me life. 2009 was trill. Enjoyable overall. Highlights: Hanging out with friends, listening to music and eating food. Lowlights: I crashed a car and lost at a game of Monoply last night.

That dude, Skillz, did another "Rap Up" song with 2009. VA reppin'. It's cool, he covers everything.

Rihanna needs to chill out with her bad girl image. We get it, grrl. You bad and naughty. Shawty tryin' to hard. Good girls are what's up anyway.

I was gonna end it on that note, but it's the end of the year and it should end on a posi note so: \m/ 4 lyf.


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