Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Ox Had Its Year

2008 was real ruff. Hardest year of me life. 2009 was trill. Enjoyable overall. Highlights: Hanging out with friends, listening to music and eating food. Lowlights: I crashed a car and lost at a game of Monoply last night.

That dude, Skillz, did another "Rap Up" song with 2009. VA reppin'. It's cool, he covers everything.

Rihanna needs to chill out with her bad girl image. We get it, grrl. You bad and naughty. Shawty tryin' to hard. Good girls are what's up anyway.

I was gonna end it on that note, but it's the end of the year and it should end on a posi note so: \m/ 4 lyf.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I need to stop being mean

Sunday, December 13, 2009

"When your lips are low... to do what?"

D'Angelo is the shit. Dude's from Richmond. Pastor's kid. He came out with an album when he was like 20 or somethin' and everybody was feelin' it. Then he dropped Voodoo. R&B/Neo-soul classic. People were calling him "R&B Jesus". He's different from Maxwell or Neyo 'cause he plays the instruments and writes all his songs. He's a real musician who wears glasses and plays video games. Total nerd. But his manager told him to take his shirt for his "Untitled" video and it got him a lot of attention from the ladies. At shows, in the middle of his songs they would start yelling at him to take his shirt and shit and it really pissed him off. He would do crunches before shows to keep his body fit and shit 'cause he felt pressured by his fans and label. Eventually he got tired of it all and porked the fuck out:
He started doin' a bunch of coke, got arrested for random shit and was pretty sequestered. But then there was talk about D'Angelo makin' a comeback. A song from his album, James River, leaked and it was hot shit. He's fit now and every year since then he's been saying that he's gonna release the album and start doing shows but he never does. Either way this song is called "Really Love" from his upcoming album and it's fuckin' sick. Probably the most romantic song about fellatio.

Followed by this song:

Followed closely by this song:
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